Lesson 4 - newbie exercise

For each scenario suggested below create the corresponding set of if statments. If you are finding it difficult you should create a truth tree diagram.

balance = 200
def withdrawCash(amount):
	# will only allow cash to be deducted if there is enough balance
	# if there is not enough cash then it will say "not enough money in account"

withdrawCash(60) # should print here

Suggested change- Add the if statement as suggested by the comments.

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balance = 200
hasOverdraft = True

def withdrawCash(amount):
	# if they have a overdraft then they can go to -200

withdrawCash(80) # should print a message

Suggested change - You should change your answer to the last question in order to get the solution.

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def min(z,y):
	if z < y: return z
	else: return y

Suggested changes - Change the code so it will find the smallest of 3 numbers

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